Sunday, September 20, 2009

Coz I'm leaving, on a jet plane~

okay, it absolutely takes FOREVER to upload a picture,
dunno why but internet's really bad here
(maybe coz i'm using a guest account) 
but hopefully it gets better soon :(
so for now, my posts will be pictureless.

so i said goodbye to everyone already
and left beloved Malaysia and its wonderful sunshine
away from my family, friends and the boyfriend
sigh :(

it was a terrible journey on Emirates
eating non-stop from KL-Dubai-Birmingham, ugh.
spent 80% of my time playing tetris on the in-flight console -.-
for the first half, from KL to Dubai,
i could sit with the boys and so it wasnt so bad.

We were on transit in Dubai, 
so we had like 4 hours to kill
where there was glorious internet
and i could tell Ju and Dad where i was
It is, by the way, IMPOSSIBLE to find 
a vacant trolley in the Dubai Int'l Airport.

on the second half of our flight, 
the 3 of us were separated
Abel was sitting between someone from China and another from HK
JiHang was squeezed in between 2 large sized past-middle-age men
and I was placed between an Arab guy with bad B.O. 
and a girl about my age,
which I later found out were students at Birmingham Uni 
and Nottingham Uni respectively.
Guess I should count myself lucky.

when we arrived, thats when the nightmare started
lugging all our numerous pieces of baggage,
we made our way to the train station from the airport.
there, we wanted to apply for the railcard,
so we plopped ourselves on the floor of the train station
and started rummaging through our stuff 
to find the documents they need for the application.

we finally got our train tickets,
and wandered off to find out platform
which was one floor down

thank God this station had a lift!
we had to take our first train from
Birmingham International to Birmingham New Street

then we had to lift all our luggage up the train

everyone in the train staring at us >.<
the aisle was so narrow -.- 
thank goodness we were at the end of the carriage 
so we werent really blocking anyone

we arrived at Birmingham New Street at 3:50pm

where the station was freakin crowded
take the escalator (with all our luggage, lol) up to concourse...

then we looked at the screen...
...our train to Notts was at 3:45pm!
then we looked again... 
... it was delayed, phew!
but only to 3:54! ohno ohno ohno!

okay, quickly search for platform 7a...
found it, but no lift!
quickly quickly carry the stuff helter skelter down the stairs

poor JiHang running up and down 
while I watch the baggage on the top and Abel at the bottom.
finally, everything downstairs...
wait... wait... wait....
train delayed to 4:00pm... then delayed to 4:04pm...

then at like 4:01pm they announced
"train to Nottingham will now be stationed at platform 8a"
WHAT?! wtf how can they do thattttttt?!
desperately search for a lift.... found it!
had to wait for the first load to go first...
then us, down to subway level... and up again at platform 8a
phew! managed to get there just in time,
train arrived barely a minute after >.<

on our way to Notts, woohoo!
all our luggage on the train 
taking up the empty designated wheelchair space, lol.
arrived at Nottingham station...
the boys grabbed a bite to eat while I got a drink
then off to the exit to find a taxi!

just before the barrier...
eh, where's my ticket?
omg i lost my ticket -.-
so i just went to the guy at the barrier 
and put on my most pitiful face
and said there was so much luggage 
i must have dropped my ticket on the train while handling everything
and... he let me through! haha :) nice guy

so we managed to get a taxi 
and get our aching butts to Broadgate Park :)

then we checked in, 
and we found out we live on the freakin top floor O.o
luckily we met a couple of friends
who gave us a hand in lifting everything upstairs... yay!

after an amazingly long day,
I'm finally *FINALLY* in my room.

missing everyone back in Malaysia :( sigh.

*pictures up when my connection gets better!

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