Thursday, April 1, 2010

I've been saying but no one's listening!

AHA! now I have solid proof!

Thanks to Claryn's post I now have evidence!
and from the World Health Organisation, no less,
to tell you all that SHISHA IS HARMFUL

Maybe now someone will listen, eh?

Read all about the advisory note here *click*
and the health effects start at page 11-13.

Here are some excerpts in case you decide you'd rather not know

HAH! I'm gonna tell you anyway
coz if you care enough about me to read my blog,
then I care enough about you and your health :)

So here goes:

"The waterpipe smoker may inhale as much smoke during one session as a cigarette smoker would inhale consuming 100 or more cigarettes"

"Waterpipe smokers can be exposed to a sufficient dose of nicotine to cause addiction"

"Waterpipe smokers and second-hand smokers are at risk of the same kinds of disease as are caused by cigarette smoking, including cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and adverse effects during pregnancy"

"A typical 1-hour long waterpipe smoking session involves inhaling 100-200 times the volume of smoke inhaled with a single cigarette"

"The smoke produced by a waterpipe contains high levels of toxic compounds including carbon monoxide, heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals"

"There is no proof that any device or accessory can make waterpipe smoking safer"

So there you have it,
I know smoking's lotsa fun and I'm a real killjoy,
but better to be aware
and make a proper decision for your own health
than to be ignorant and... oh i dunno, DEAD maybe?

Lemme repeat what I said earlier. SHISHA IS HARMFUL.

Tell me your thoughts if you like ;)

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