Monday, January 11, 2010

It-t-t-t-ts Freeeeeeezing!


This is an image of Britain on the map:

This is a satellite image of what Britain usually looks like:

and this is Britain this winter,
under the coldest spell in 30 years:

and to top it off,

I, a heat-loving-cold-despising person,
a fan of the great big hot sun that is a constant figure
in the wonderfully equatorial country of Malaysia,
am stuck here, in a country that literally froze over.

In addition to that,
I have multiple exams at 4:30 in the evening,
when it's already dark,
likely to be snowing, and extremely cold.

Yep, everything's just peachy.


  1. Wahhhh...hahaha! Good one good one. I've never thought of searching for a satellite image of it.

    All the best for all of your coming exams!!! :D

  2. Thanks Xin Wei!

    I didn't exactly search for the image.... it was circulating around the internet for a while.

    It was snowing yesterday when I went for my paper! :(

  3. You absolutely chose the right year to visit the UK! Haha, luckily I quickly ran home after last year's bad-enough-but-not-as-bad-as-yours experience. Tee hee! =D

  4. =.= not my choiceeee :(
    well tbh, I'm glad I'm in UK rather than Msia right now, with all the turmoil going on.
